Surah al fajr - Surah Al Fajr

Fajr surah al Surah Al

Fajr surah al Surat al

Fajr surah al Surat al

Fajr surah al Surat al

Tafsir Surah Al

Fajr surah al Tafsir Surah

Fajr surah al Surat al

Surat Al Fajr Arab, Latin & Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia

Fajr surah al Intisari Surat

Tafsir Surah Al

Fajr surah al SURAT AL

Fajr surah al Surah Fajr

[89] Al

Fajr surah al Surat Al

Tafsir Surah Al


Perbuatan Manusia di Dunia Masih dalam tafsir yang sama, Sayyid Quthb menjelaskan bahwa Al Quran periode Mekkah berbicara kepada manusia tentang segala bentuk kejahiliahan.

  • That will take place in the Hereafter after the Judgment has been passed.

  • Muadh made the prayer long, so the man went and prayed alone at the side of the Mosque.

Surat Al Fajr Arab, Latin & Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia

Other scholars indicate that the believers will be addressed in this world at the time of death.

  • Their respect is also necessary لَّا تُكْرِمُونَ الْيَتِيم The unbelievers are warned, in these verses, against some of their evil character traits.

  • So I left him and prayed at the side of the Masjid.