Psu4.0 application - PSU 4.0 : Program Subsidi Upah Bantuan RM600 Untuk Pekerja

Application psu4.0 Reminder: Applications

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PSU 4.0: Permohonan Program Subsidi Upah, Bayaran RM600 / 4 Bulan

Application psu4.0 Student Forms

Application psu4.0 PSU 4.0

Application psu4.0 Permohonan Program

Application psu4.0 Permohonan Program

Application psu4.0 PSU 4.0:

Application psu4.0 Reminder: Applications

Application psu4.0 PSU 4.0:

【 Things You Must Know About PSU 3.0 Application! Application Opens Until 31st July 2021! 】

Application psu4.0 PSU 5.0,

Reminder: Applications for SOCSO's Wage Subsidy 4.0 (PSU 4.0) open till 31 October 2021

Sila rujuk pemberitahuan terkini melalui portal PERKESO atau Facebook PERKESO.

  • Jangan biarkan majikan anda mengambil hak anda.

  • All eligible employers can submit their application on the Prihatin portal,.

PSU 4.0: Permohonan Program Subsidi Upah, Bayaran RM600 / 4 Bulan

Ia adalah perluasan kepada Program Pengekalan Pekerjaan Employment Retention Program — ERP.

  • Pelaksanaan ini adalah selama 4 bulan, setelah ditutup pada tarikh 31 Julai 2021.

  • Permohonan untuk PSU 4.