Equivocal meaning - Equivocal meaning in Hindi

Meaning equivocal What is


Meaning equivocal equivocal

Meaning equivocal Sentences with

Meaning equivocal Equivocal Definition

Meaning equivocal Equivocal

Meaning equivocal Equivocal Definition,

What does equivocal language mean?

Meaning equivocal equivocal

Meaning equivocal equivocal

What do equivocal lab results mean

Meaning equivocal Equivocal Definition

Meaning equivocal Equivocal Definition


What does equivocal language mean?

Risk-stratification based on magnetic resonance imaging and prostate-specific antigen density may reduce unnecessary follow-up biopsy procedures in men on active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer.

  • English definition of Equivocal : open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or often intended to mislead; an equivocal statement; the polling had a complex and equivocal or ambiguous message for potential female candidates; the officers equivocal behavior.

  • .

Equivocal symptom

Some doctors will just wait a few months and retest, while others recommend further investigation at this stage as yours did.

  • This increased cellular texture is significantly different between malignant and benign peripheral zone tissue.

  • Rt dealing, like lawyering, is one of the equivocal professions.

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