Genshin wish counter - Genshin Impact pity system explained: Reset rates and how to check your counter

Counter genshin wish What is

Genshin Impact pity system explained: Reset rates and how to check your counter

Counter genshin wish Wish Counter

Counter genshin wish My Wish

Genshin Impact Pity system explained: How to check the pity and soft

Counter genshin wish Genshin Impact

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Counter genshin wish Genshin Impact

Counter genshin wish Genshin Impact

Wish Counter

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Unable to Authenticate / sync wishes

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Counter genshin wish Genshin Impact

Counter genshin wish Wishes

Genshin Impact Primogem Calculator

Genshin Impact Wish Trick May Increase Chances of Getting 5

The pity system will ensure you get a 5-star character by your 80th wish on the Weapon Event Banner.

  • You have a chance of getting a 4-star or 5-star before even reaching that number.

  • Otherwise, they are subject to removal.