Ketahnyané isén tumbuh pantaraning 1 utawi 2 metér ngantos wentén sané 3,5 meter.
A lot of people who work on the show don't like Nathan.
Suuremate sÀriaegadega nÔnda ka on, sest katiku liikumise aeg on vÔrreldes avatud olemise ajaga tÀhtsusetu.
The band was known as the Shubenacadie First Nation until 2014 when the traditional spelling and pronunciation of its name was officially adopted.
Buah isen marupa buni sané bunter miwah keras.
What is the duration of Katik Mahina Ghare Ayibh Ki Nay Ho? Ava suurus muudab pildi teravussĂŒgavust ja sĂ€ritust.