How to relieve sore throat - 12 Natural Remedies for Sore Throats

Relieve throat to how sore 10 Ways

Relieve throat to how sore How To

Relieve throat to how sore 12 Natural

Relieve throat to how sore How to

Relieve throat to how sore How to

Relieve throat to how sore 12 Natural

Relieve throat to how sore 12 Natural

Relieve throat to how sore 16 Best

Relieve throat to how sore How To

How To Cure A Sore Throat Fast: 5 Powerful Remedies

Relieve throat to how sore Home Remedies

6 Sore Throat Remedies That Actually Work

Use a cool-air humidifier to eliminate dry air that may further irritate a sore throat, being sure to clean the humidifier regularly so it doesn't grow mold or bacteria.

  • This article was medically reviewed by.

  • You might try boiling some water in a pot on the stove for 30 minutes to increase humidity in your house.