Makkah time now - Mecca time to Kuala Lumpur time conversion

Now makkah time Mecca Then

Now makkah time What was


Now makkah time Current Local

Current Local Time in Mecca,Makkah,Saudi Arabia

Now makkah time Mecca Then

Now makkah time Makkah Live

Islamic Prayer Times in Makkah

Now makkah time What was

Now makkah time Mecca: Prayer

Now makkah time Live: Masjid

Now makkah time Mecca


Now makkah time Islamic Prayer

Current local time in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has the second largest petroleum reserves in the world and is second only to Venezuela and is the worlds largest producer and exporter.

  • The heart of Makkah is the holy Ka'aba which is surrounded by Al Masjid al-Haram the Great Mosque of Mecca.

  • The city of Makkah itself is only accessible to Muslims.

Time Zone & Clock Changes in Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Mecca is 5 hours behind of Kuala Lumpur.

  • However, it was demolished in 1387 AH since it took to much space.

  • Oldfather, Diodorus Of Sicily, Volume II, William Heinemann Ltd.