Share of profits of associates grew 45.
It is crucial for companies to manage their inflow and outflow of cash as it provides a buffer against expected or unexpected future financial challenges where urgent cash is needed.
It involves in the business of credit reporting, digital software related services, software development, outsourcing and training services and investment holding, credit reporting, information services, development of local and global financial information system, online and offline business information service provider, consulting services, debt collection service and database management.
Change value during the period between open outcry settle and the commencement of the next day's trading is calculated as the difference between the last trade and the prior day's settle.
The Company, through its subsidiaries engaged in the business of credit reporting, digital software related services, software development, outsourcing and trai ning services, investment holding, business information reporting and data analytics services such as pre-employment checks.
Under the proposed primary placement exercise, the Group would issue a total of 110.