Your parcel has arrived at destination hub The order has been received at destination hub and ready for sorting The order has been taken by the Courier The order is on the way to the buyer.
Offer applies to new consumer and business checking accounts only.
Untuk kenyamanan penerima paket kamu dapat membagikan status resi pengiriman gratis via e-mail atau menggunakan short url ke berbagai media sosial seperti Whatsapp, Faceebok, Twitter, dan Instagram.
Courier Tracking is a site designed to centralise the tracking facilities available on the most major courier companies across the world into one place for your convenience.
Ketika mengirimkan barang, jangan lupa untuk menuliskan alamat dengan lengkap.
Saya membeli barang dari kendari mulai tanggal 13 juni sampai skrng tgl 23 juni barangnya belum sampai.