Twice perfect world - PERFECT WORLD

World twice perfect Poll: Who

TWICE Perfect World Photocards

World twice perfect Song Review:

World twice perfect Perfect World

World twice perfect Song Review:

World twice perfect TWICE Perfect

World twice perfect Poll: Who

World twice perfect Perfect World

Perfect World (Twice album)

World twice perfect TWICE sets

World twice perfect Perfect World

Song Review: Twice

World twice perfect TWICE sets

Song Review: Twice

Perfect World (Twice album)

There are parts of Perfect World that feel a little rough around the edges, but its overall effect is quite powerful.

  • Probably my favorite of their recent Japanese releases and definitely better than Alcohol-Free.

  • The album was released on July 28.

TWICE Perfect World Photocards

The transformation is successful, even if that might not be immediately apparent.

  • That aside, I actually really like this.

  • The album debuted at number 1 on the Hot Albums for the chart issue dated August 4, 2021.