Timur in english - Nepali Spices English Names

English timur in Taimur

English timur in Timur

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English timur in Taimur

English timur in Biography Of

English timur in Timur (disambiguation)

What is Timut pepper and does it live up to its health claims?What is timut pepper and does it live up to its health claims? : SBS Food

English timur in Timur

What is Timut pepper and does it live up to its health claims?What is timut pepper and does it live up to its health claims? : SBS Food

English timur in Taimur

English timur in timur in

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  • The scholar Abu Taleb Hosayni presented the texts to the Mughal emperor , a distant descendant of Timur, in 1637—38, supposedly after discovering the originals in the library of a ruler.

  • The village was prepared for the attack, evidenced by its fortress and system of tunnels.

Nepali Timmur

Quotation:"Under his leadership, Timur united the Mongol tribes located in the basins of the two rivers.

  • Both rulers insulted each other in their own way while Timur preferred to undermine Bayezid's position as a ruler and play down the significance of his military successes.

  • Martin, Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World A—L, Macmillan Reference, 2004, , p.

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