In Attack on Titan Chapter 138 by Hajime Isayama, upon the citizens of Marley amid the ongoing war between his people, and all the people behind the walls on Paradis Island known as the Eldians, and the fascist state of Marley who systematically targeted Eldians for centuries, both killing them and turning them into Titans.
We can't blame him for this since it was the people of Paradis that he fought alongside for so many years, and while he may understand the Eldians of Marley a little bit more, he has no emotional connection to their community.
Here, Eren learned about Grisha's life in Marley, along with other secrets about the world beyond the walls.
Bertholdt joined his fellow surviving in entering the walled territory during the chaos.
It was the first time he, as well as Mikasa and Armin, had been there since they were children and saw the titans break into their home.
The pelvis and legs are greatly undersized however, seemingly useless.