Straw hat crew - Straw Hat Crew

Hat crew straw Straw Hat

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Hat crew straw One Piece:

All 14 Straw Hat Pirates Members

Hat crew straw Must Have

Hat crew straw Straw Hat

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Hat crew straw Straw Hat

Hat crew straw Straw Hat

This 'One Piece' Art Imagines An Older Straw Hat Crew

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Hat crew straw One Piece:

Straw Hat Crew

Hat crew straw 27+ strongest

All 14 Straw Hat Pirates Members

Straw Hat Pirates/Recruitment

During the famous Marineford War saga in episode 430, he meets Luffy and his crew and ends up helping them in the deadly confrontation.

  • Although not quite reaching Zoro or Sanji's levels, Brook is a capable fighter in his own right.

  • Ace as well, revealing how each of them would look at 40 and 60 years old.