Inclined meaning - What does inclined mean?

Meaning inclined I'm not

Meaning inclined I'm not

What does inclined mean? definition, meaning and audio pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)

Meaning inclined What is

Meaning inclined What is

How to use in a sentence

Meaning inclined I'm not

Meaning inclined Inclined

Meaning inclined How to

be inclined to

Meaning inclined What is

Inclined Meaning

Meaning inclined Use inclined


Meaning inclined Inclined toward

How to use in a sentence

Use inclined in a sentence

The crystals of citric acid are oblique prisms with four faces, terminated by dihedral summits, inclined at acute angles.

  • In September 1900 a fresh outburst of hostile feeling against Chile was created in Argentina by a note addressed by the Chilean government to Bolivia, intimating that Chile was no longer inclined to hand over the port of Arica or any other port on the Pacific, but considered the time ripe for a final settlement of the questions connected with the Chilean occupation of Bolivian territory, which had now been outstanding for sixteen years.

  • On the other hand, there are elements in the poem which show that it is not entirely the work of a poor crowder; and these notably references to historical and literary authorities, and occasional reminiscences of the literary tricks of the Scots Chaucerian school have inclined some to the view that the text, as we have it, is an edited version of the minstrel's rough song story.