Agitator meaning - What is an Agitator?

Meaning agitator agitator

Meaning agitator agitator

Meaning agitator What is

Meaning agitator agitator definition

What is an Agitator?

Meaning agitator Agitator vs.

Meaning agitator What are

Meaning agitator What does

Meaning agitator What is

What is a dual action agitator?

Meaning agitator What is

What does agitator mean? definition, meaning and audio pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)

Meaning agitator What is


Well, when an impeller works it turns the clothes inside a washing machine in circles so that they are constantly spinning and using friction to rub the clothes against each other to get them clean.

  • If you are looking for the meaning of the word agitator now, you will find the meaning of a few thousand words here in addition to the meaning of the word agitator.

  • The agitator is driven by an explosion-proof motor to which a gear box is attached that drives the agitator.

Agitator vs. Impeller: Which washer type is best?

The appearance is similar to how a threaded screw looks.

  • Beside this, is a washer with an agitator better? Blade Type Agitators: These are suitable for low and medium-viscosity fluids.

  • Can efficiently handle visco-elastic liquids.