Surfer meaning - More Bitchin' Surfing Slang for Groms and Legends Alike

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Meaning surfer Surfer

More Bitchin' Surfing Slang for Groms and Legends Alike

Meaning surfer 🏄‍♂️ Man

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What's a Kook?

Choka Bitchin', awesome, great etc.

  • Mark Foo, an American surfer from Hawaii, died at Mavericks in 1994.

  • Junkyard Dog A surfer with poor style or a surfer who only surfs crappy waves.


A newer addition to surfing is the progression of the air, whereby a surfer propels off the wave entirely up into the air and then successfully lands the board back on the wave.

  • Smaller wave peel angles increase the velocities of waves.

  • Although surfboards are buoyant, they cannot be relied upon as flotation devices.