Marc spector - Moon Knight: Khonshu Could Have A Much Darker Plan For Marc Spector

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Moon Knight Makes Its First Reference to Marc Spector’s Jewish Heritage

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Moon Knight: Marc Spector Explained

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Who Is Jake Lockley? MOON KNIGHT's Hidden (And Scariest) Personality Explained

Spector marc Moon Knight

Spector marc Artboard 1

Who is Jake Lockley? Moon Knight's third personality in Marvel comics explained

Spector marc Moon Knight

Who is Jake Lockley? Moon Knight's third personality in Marvel comics explained

He then found that his brother, Randall had survived, and in addition had been trying to take his place as Khonshu's champion.

  • Marc believes he meets and befriends a boy named Steven Grant, not realizing he himself is acting as Steven at times.

  • Marc Spector, both in the new Disney+ series and in the comics, is an individual with plenty of fighting skills and an ability to keep a rather calm head when faced with chaotic circumstances.