According to this Judo belts didn't have the wide variety of colours as we see today, in fact, the founder of Judo Jigoro Kano only started a formal ranking procedure in 1883 when he awarded 2 of his students the rank of Shodan 1st Dan in 1883.
This system was developed by Jigoro Kano and was based on the ranking system in the board game.
Bitno je napomenuti da je parter u ranim počecima džuda bio slabo razvijen i vježbao se jako malo.
Some tips for senior kyu grades- - This really will help you to get the most from your Judo experience.
Now, it is not our job to give them instant gratification, but we do try to aim to keep our students motivated and feeling a sense of progress.
Kano je odbacio tehnike koje nisu bile u skladu s ovim principima i naglašavao važnost efikasnosti u izvršenju tehnika.