In addition to an animated sequel series Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender was made into a live-action movie back in 2010.
While Aang and his friends believed that they could delay confronting the Fire Lord until after Sozin's Comet as Ba Sing Se had already fallen, they realized that they had to battle the Fire Nation imminently when Zuko revealed his father's plan to annihilate the Earth Kingdom.
But, there is a bright side….
He joins forces with Katara Nicola Peltz , a Waterbender, and her brother, Sokka, to restore balance and harmony to their world.
The first season's success prompted Nickelodeon to order second and third seasons.
Have Katara's worst fears been confirmed? In the second season of the show, she leaves her wealthy family and comfortable home to join Aang on his quest, with a plan to teach him Earthbending.