Bila boleh mendapat suntikan vaksin? Asked whether the government planned to speed up the interval of receiving the second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine from 12 weeks to six weeks, especially for the elderly, he said the matter would be announced tomorrow.
Sembilan belas dari mereka meninggal.
Any help you can render is greatly appreciated! According to the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Khairy Jamaluddin, the next AstraZeneca opt-in will be offered to people aged 60 years old and above.
Baca juga: AstraZeneca memiliki kantor pusat di Cambridge, Inggris, dan pabriknya tersebar di berbagai wilayah di Eropa.
Regulator kesehatan Inggris dilaporkan sedang mempertimbangkan rekomendasi untuk melarang penggunaan vaksin Astrazeneca untuk orang muda karena kekhawatiran tentang pembekuan darah yang sangat langka.