Loki variant - All 'Loki' Variants Explained

Variant loki Who Is

Variant loki Loki Laufeyson

Variant loki Now YOU

‘Loki’: Who is L1130? Who is the new Loki variant?

Variant loki The Major

Variant loki The Major

‘Loki’: Who is L1130? Who is the new Loki variant?

Variant loki The Loki

Variant loki Now YOU

Variant loki Now YOU

Variant loki Who is

‘Loki’: Who is L1130? Who is the new Loki variant?

Variant loki Who Is

The Loki Variant Is A Very Different Character According To Tom Hiddleston

Now YOU Can Become a Loki Variant

This 2012 edition of Loki hadn't yet experienced the heartbreak of Frigga's death, the loss of Odin and the , but he got all caught up on those events - as well as his own death - by viewing the TVA's records.

  • Joining them in the field, the Loki from 2012 proves to be a hindrance at first, botching the mission to capture the variant at a Renaissance fair in 1985 Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

  • A car then started to head towards them, from which came , a female variant of Loki, and , a former TVA agent.

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