A an some any - a/an or some in English sentences

An some any a 'Some', 'Any'

An some any a SOME and

Some and Any in English

An some any a SOME and

An some any a Some and

Using 'Some' and 'Any'

An some any a a/an or

An some any a English Grammar:

English grammar

An some any a Grammar Rules:

An some any a a/an or

An some any a Some and

An some any a SOME and

'Some', 'Any' and 'No Article'

Examples: Do you have any cheese? It is also possible to produce negative by using no or none.

  • I couldn't find the bread.

  • There are … cups of tea on the table.

Some / Any / No + Exercises

Some is generally used in positive sentences.

  • Is there … beer in the glasses? Some and Any The general rule is that any is used for questions and negatives while some is used for positive.

  • When we are suggesting something.

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