Comparison: iPhone 13 series pre
Beli iPhone13 Secara Ansuran: iPhone For Everyone (Machines) atau Kontrak Telco?
Compare Celcom, Digi, Maxis Apple iPhone 13 Pro Plan Malaysia
Harga iPhone 13 Malaysia 2022 (Promosi Pakej Plan Murah)
Beli iPhone13 Secara Ansuran: iPhone For Everyone (Machines) atau Kontrak Telco?
Harga iPhone 13 Malaysia 2022 (Promosi Pakej Plan Murah)
For complete pricing and availability details, please visit For more details on Apple products, please visit.
U Mobile will offer the best-ever lineup of iPhones, including the innovative and elegant iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 13, and iPhone 13 mini.
Selain tu, program iPhone For Everyone jugak memudahkan proses instalment dengan bagi korang bayar tanpa guna kredit kad.
Battery has limited recharge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced by an Apple service provider.
But other than that, it doesn't have any special pre-order freebies.
Jangan risau, masih ada harapan.