Shinobu kocho birthday - HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to Shinobu Kocho! (CV: Saori Hayami) Note: she shares my birth month! : KimetsuNoYaiba

Birthday shinobu kocho Demon Slayer:

Birthday shinobu kocho Kimetsu No

Birthday shinobu kocho Shinobu Kocho

When is shinobu kocho birthday?

Birthday shinobu kocho Shinobu Kocho

Demon Slayer: Female Characters age and height.

Birthday shinobu kocho Demon Slayer:

Birthday shinobu kocho Shinobu Kocho

Birthday shinobu kocho Shinobu Kocho

Birthday shinobu kocho What is

Birthday shinobu kocho Shinobu Kocho

Shinobu Kocho

Birthday shinobu kocho When is

HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to Shinobu Kocho! (CV: Saori Hayami) Note: she shares my birth month! : KimetsuNoYaiba

Also known as the demon of the Temaris, Susamaru travels with Yahaba, her companion.

  • Shinobu does not have a boyfriend in Kimetsu no Yaiba.

  • Yeah, Kanao is in love with Tanjirou, there is not a clear spark of having so but Kanao has feelings for Tanjirou, eventually Tanjirou already has or may gain love for Kanao, after watching Demon Slayer Chapter 203, i think Tanjirou will not be able to help himself from giving his soul and heart to Kanao and I have few points regarding my theories, If you watch Demon Slayer, you might now the tear bursting past of Kanao Tsuyuri.

HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY to Shinobu Kocho! (CV: Saori Hayami) Note: she shares my birth month! : KimetsuNoYaiba

Sebagai Hashira dari Demon Slayer Corps, Shinobu adalah pemain pedang yang sangat kuat.

  • Along with her katana, she has also modified the weapon's sheath, using it as a portable poison mixer and loader.

  • Tanjiro is one of the few characters outside of the Pillars who knows of the constant state of rage that Shinobu is in, sensing it in his scent when they speak.