Aluminium price - Aluminium PRICE Today

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Price aluminium Aluminum Prices

Price aluminium Aluminum

Aluminium PRICE Today

Price aluminium Daily Metal

Aluminum Prices Spike Up 62% and Will Continue Rallying in

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Price aluminium London Metal

Daily Metal Price: Aluminum Price Chart (USD / Pound) for the Last Year

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Price aluminium Aluminium PRICE

Price aluminium Aluminum


Germany 488K tonnes followed a long way behind the leaders.

  • In 1996, recycling this metal saved enough energy sufficient to power Pittsburgh for more than 6 years.

  • So, with the kind of profits that the smelters are making right now there are expectations that more projects could come online in the next couple of years.

Aluminum Price Chart,China Aluminum Price Today

Its light weight also offers better fuel efficiency.

  • Lastly choose the number of days to show in your chart.

  • Items manufactured from base metals will also have associated production costs and margins.