Malay to english word - List of English words of Malay origin

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English word to malay Malay

Malay Vocabulary

English word to malay Top 50

English word to malay Malay to

English word to malay English to

English word to malay Malay to

Malay world

The popularisation of Malay as a racial category was in essence a colonial product, the significant role of which played by the since the 17th century and that of the since the 18th century in identifying as the Malay world.

  • In literal terms, buat means make or do, while bodoh means stupid or foolish.

  • Adopted into English via Portuguese amouco, from Malay amok 'rushing in a frenzy'.

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Their territorial identity was gradually shifted from Malay states to Malaya or.

  • .

  • And all Malay sentences are formed from these Malay words, which we use in colloquial speech to convey our thoughts or feelings to others.