Hex robux.site - Hex

Robux.site hex Hex


Robux.site hex Hex

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Robux.site hex Hex Cat

Robux.site hex Spitter

Robux.site hex Hex

Robux.site hex 2hex

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Robux.site hex Hex Wiki

Hex Wiki

Starving Artists Codes Roblox March 2022

The funds will be sent once ur limit has crossed 2000 As it is all being stored with us.

  • We have no control over that.

  • It can kill in 9 body shots or 7 headshots with 35 round in its magazine, enough for a headshot marksman to kill 7 players with.


It is heavily inspired by Arena type shooters such as Halo, Unreal Tournament and Quake.

  • It could have been purchased for 60 until it went off-sale.

  • The nametag of the Hex Cat cycles through the colors of the rainbow.

2022 blog.mizukinana.jp