Abdullah of pahang children - People of Pahang delighted Tengku Abdullah next Sultan

Children abdullah of pahang Pahang's Sultan

Sultan Abdullah: How Malaysia chooses its new king in bizarre 'rotational monarchy'

Children abdullah of pahang 3 things

In Pahang, King presents house keys to families affected by floods

Children abdullah of pahang People of

Children abdullah of pahang Bauxite poser

Children abdullah of pahang Tunku Azizah

Children abdullah of pahang Former ruler

Children abdullah of pahang Malaysia picks

King’s children head honours list

Children abdullah of pahang Pahang's Sultan

Children abdullah of pahang Ahmad Shah

Children abdullah of pahang KERABAT DIRAJA

Sultan Abdullah to ascend throne as sixth Sultan of Pahang tomorrow

His reign was declared retroactively began on 11 January 2019, the day the Regency Council decided his succession.

  • Family His first married at the , , 6 March 1986 to the third daughter of with his first wife, Enche' Besar Kalsom Binti Abdullah née Josephine Treverrow K.

  • Sarawak was reported to be the latest state to experience floods following heavy rain since Monday, after Sabah was similarly hit yesterday.

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