Gharial crocodile - Gharial

Crocodile gharial Rising tide:


Crocodile gharial 40 Interesting


Crocodile gharial What is

Crocodile gharial 40 Interesting

Crocodile gharial Gharial: a

Crocodile gharial 10 amazing

What Are The Differences Between Gharials, Crocodiles, And Alligators?

Crocodile gharial Giant Crocodile

Crocodile gharial The Population

Crocodile gharial Gharial Power

Gharial Definition & Meaning

Crocodile gharial 10 amazing

Giant Crocodile

It is also known as the fish-eating crocodile, Indian gavial, and long-nosed crocodile.

  • Nile crocodiles can take down almost anything within their territories, including fish species, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

  • At the same time, it is true that some of the modern crocodilians are only reptiles that routinely consume humans.

Gharial: a pescatarian crocodile species as old as the dinosaurs

The gharial is critically endangered as a result of habitat loss, depletion of fish reserves, and entanglement in fishing nets.

  • However, there are also innate differences, such as behavior.

  • This longest freshwater crocodile is about 20 feet in length.